Good News For Chocoholics

When choosing between chocolate eggs and Peeps at the grocery store, a new study on cardiovascular health may help the decision process. Researchers at the German Institute of Human Nutrition have released some exciting evidence on chocolate’s role in reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. The research, published yesterday in European Heart Journal, is the largest study to date analyzing the cardiovascular benefits of chocolate.

“Our hypothesis was that because chocolate appears to have a pronounced effect on blood pressure, chocolate consumption would lower the risk of strokes and heart attacks, with a stronger effect being seen for stroke,” explained lead author Dr Brian Buijsse.

This research cautions however, that chocolate, with high amounts of calories and saturated fat, must be consumed in moderation. The study showed that only small amounts of chocolate proved beneficial. So what’s the magic number to eat per day? Researchers state that the equivalent of one square of a 100 gram chocolate bar (six grams) showed positive effects when consumed daily.

Obviously, chocolate alone won’t prevent a heart attack or stroke. To truly prepare for cardiac emergencies, make sure you’re up to date on your CPR training!

Chocolate art courtesy of

One thought on “Good News For Chocoholics

  • I was reading this while grabbing for a German Milka bar. Good information to know! And boo to Milka for having high calories/saturated far. It is interesting that for Milka a standard sized chocolate bar packaging is resealable- great for moderation.

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