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“Make Change” Campaign
Here’s another creative Red Cross ad campaign, thanks to the fine folks at Wray Ward.I love that they illustrate how even the smallest donation can make a difference — providing […]
Ready Radio Reading
Podcast listeners love books. There’s got to be a study somewhere that says that. Why else would there be so many audio books and book review podcasts? On that assumption… […]
Hope Floats In New Orleans
Today, a floating house is unveiled. Sure, there are floating homes everywhere. In fact, one need only look towards the Willamette River to see a ton of them here in […]
Imagine A Mega-Tsunami…
I have a secret passion for re-enactments. No, not like the Civil War stuff. More like what’s featured on shows like Surviving Disaster and, one of my all-time favorites, Unsolved […]
Disaster Response Update
October 4: Two fires in less than 12 hours! Disaster volunteers responded to a single wide trailer fire in Irrigon, Oregon. One adult and a child received help with clothes, […]
ZOMBIELAND: Grab Your Survival Kit
[Click for larger version.] All of you who voted for Shaun Of The Dead in our disaster movie poll will be excited that Zombieland is being released in theaters this […]
Giving Blood Japanese Style
Tara’s “Before I Die” List: -Travel to India -Volunteer at an elephant orphanage -Make friends with an orangutan (best video ever) -Learn French and improve Spanish-Backpack through Europe again -Have […]
Fashion-Forward Philanthropy
Supporting the Red Cross is always in fashion. So, really, it’s a given that we’d partner with the upcoming Portland Fashion Week — hitting Swan Island on October 7-11. At […]
Vote For Me!
I usually dread the day my Nationwide bill arrives each month, but after learning that the insurance company has supported the Red Cross for 25-plus years, I’ll pay with pride. […]
#Just1Thing: Winner Announced!
Before I get to the winner of our #Just1Thing contest, I want to share with you all the responses we received.It’s pretty cool to think that all of these things […]