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The Red Cross Connects Army Father with His Wife and Newborn Son
Story by Diane DeVitto/Red Cross Cascades Region “Crista, you can do this. You’re so strong, so brave. You can do this!” These encouraging words came from halfway around the […]
Red Cross First Aid Training Saved a Friend
“I can’t look at a piece of bacon now without reliving the day I almost choked on one,” said Heather Wilson. It was late November, mild and overcast. Wilson […]
Keeping Our Furry Friends Safe: The Red Cross App and Online Course
April has been designated as Pet First Aid Awareness month. This is the perfect time for pet lovers to take the American Red Cross Cat and Dog First Aid online […]
Do I Really Need an Estate Plan?
None of us enjoys thinking about what would happen after we pass on, but the cold reality is that it’s better to handle these details now rather than leave them […]
Sounding the Alarm in Madras
On the afternoon of January 5, 2018, not even two months after Bobbi Gilbert and Red Cross volunteers installed smoke alarms in Gilbert’s home and other homes in the Warm […]
Comedy Club with Ties to Tragedy Gives back to Red Cross
The Beertown Comedy Group had always planned to hold an end-of-year roast to laugh away the pitfalls of 2017. They hadn’t planned to donate the proceeds from the event to […]
Sounding the Alarm in Sutherlin
Pauline Johnson is, in her own words, a sound sleeper. A very sound sleeper. So sound, in fact, that when the 83-year-old’s home caught fire in May 2017, she slept […]
Meet Tim Foskett, Local Descendant of Red Cross Founder, Clara Barton
The Foskett Family on Vacation Last December the Red Cross was the beneficiary of a special fundraiser featuring the talented and funny Harlem Globetrotters basketball team. The event, known as […]
The 21st Annual Red Cross Hero Awards: Celebrating Our Local Community Heroes
L to R: Firemen Scott Kohler and Matt Towner In a morning full of surprises, nothing quite beat the looks on firefighters Scott Kohler and Matt Towner’s faces when they […]
Protecting Your Head from Injury
With March being designated as National Brain Injury month, we need to be aware of the risks that lead to brain injuries and the preventative measures we can take to […]