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ICRC Sends Assistance To Georgia
I just ran into a man and woman who stopped by the chapter to ask how they might volunteer in Georgia — the country, not the state.While it’s rare for […]
Gearhart Memorial Service Tonight
Aside from providing emotional support following a disaster, the Red Cross may well be called upon for other things. Included on the list? Arranging memorial services. Tonight, the Oregon Trail […]
Biffle’s Kidnappers Spell Out Their Demands
The kidnappers have spoken. Below you’ll find exactly what the evil-doers who snatched Greg Biffle [‘s lifesize cardboard cutout] want from all of us. I assure you, these are their […]
Photos from M-cubed and Gail’s Visit
Don’t have time for a long post because I’m off to this event, but I wanted to show you these photos from Gail’s visit. Have a great weekend, everybody!
Spotted: Proof Of Greg Biffle’s Capture
So it has been determined. On Monday morning, the marketing and development staff have scheduled an urgent meeting. We’ll be discussing how to raise money for the “Save Greg Biffle […]
Greg Biffle’s Captors Speak — What Should We Do?
If you’re following the breaking news about Greg Biffle [‘s lifesize cardboard cutout], you shouldn’t be surprised to hear about the voicemail I received this morning. Gave me chills, I […]
Single? Come Meet Us Tonight!
If you’ve been reading the blog, you’d know that tonight is the Portland Picks for Men singles event, benefitting the Oregon Trail Chapter. I’m told that there will be tons […]
Disaster Action Team Responses
On the afternoon of Aug. 7, a family in Portland had a fire in their house. When the Red Cross volunteers arrived, they assisted the family of 3 adults and […]
28 deployed from Oregon National Guard
Having served in the US Army, I have a kinship with the men and women who serve in the Armed Forces. This week 28 members of the Oregon National Guard […]
Top 10 Reasons Why Our New National CEO Rocks
Without further ado, here they are: MY TOP TEN REASONS WHY GAIL MCGOVERN ROCKS 10. Because she likes to be called Gail. I know of at least three people that […]