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Dolly gets her own website.
I’m talking this Dolly, not this Dolly. For all the latest Hurricane Dolly Red Cross news, including stats, photos, audio and video from the field check out the Hurricane Dolly […]
Deep In The Heart Of Texas
You may not know this, but I once lived in Texas. And not the hipster mecca of Austin either…good ol’ San Antone. So as I watch Dolly’s progress, I feel […]
The Great Cleanup
Lise’s not the only one who promised updates and didn’t follow through. Remember my New Year’s resolution? Yeah… I was just reminded of it because our COO sent out this […]
Pssst…Check Out The New Site
Earlier this week, I was admonished for the fact that I promised you sneak peeks of the new website and then gave you…nothing. Bad Lise. To make it up to […]
Best of Portland: It’s Not Us
Okay, so we didn’t win the local blog category in Willamette Week’s Best of Portland. Nor did we get a shout-out in the WW Staff Picks. But even though I’m […]
Hello, Dolly.
Hurricane Dolly is now officially the first hurricane of the season. If you happen to be reading our blog from SE Texas or NE Mexico, check HERE for hurricane tips. […]
A Friend Is Drowning, What Do You Do?
Here’s a quick pop quiz: If a friend is drowning, you should… A) Jump in the water and swim them to safety B) Throw a rope or reach for them […]
Warning: Wildfires Ahead for Oregon
Did you see this? “A red flag warning is in effect from now through Thursday in Northeast and Central Oregon, as powerful thunderstorms packing lightning churn across the region.” If […]
Who Uses the Red Cross in a Disaster To Pick Up Women?
Okay, so Oregonian John Richards didn’t exactly INTEND to pick up women, but pick up one he did…Iowan Michelle Peterson, who he’ll marry this coming Saturday in Portland. As John […]
RE: Monkeys. Be Prepared For Anything.
This comic (via is too funny. My coworker, Dede, has already printed it out and put it on her wall. Hm… I wonder what prepare-aphernalia would be recommended for […]