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Myanmar Disaster Relief: Latest Updates

May 8, 2008

We may be half a world away, but we at the Oregon Trail Chapter can still connect you with disaster relief in Myanmar. You can now donate specifically to Myanmar […]

Airport Drill

May 8, 2008

Yesterday Hillary and I went to this crazy airport drill at the Portland Airport. Seriously, it was crazy. They’re required to have these drills once every three years, and they […]

World Red Cross Red Crescent Day

May 8, 2008

Happy 180th birthday, Henry Dunant. You are one of the main reasons the Red Cross is here. After you witnessed the brutality of war at the Battle of Solferino you […]

Weekly Gift Saves Man’s Life, Helps Others

May 8, 2008

For some people, giving blood even yearly seems like a chore. But for David Martindale, giving blood weekly is actually a relief. That’s because David has hereditary hemochromatosis (better known […]

LIVE From International Humanitarian Law

May 8, 2008

I’m currently sitting in the International Humanitarian Law class. (By the way, you know you’re in a Red Cross class when the facilitator starts off with “Okay, here are the […]

Resources Page For Myanmar Cyclone Response

May 7, 2008

Just learned from Wendy at National that there is a new page on for information on the Myanmar Cyclone response. See here. Read Wendy’s post here – it includes […]

May 17: Beer, Baths and Blood?

May 7, 2008

Sure, it sounds like the carnage from an X-rated horror flick, but it’s actually the Tails and Ales Dog Wash and the start of a brand-new partnership between the American […]

I’Ming To Support Disaster Relief

May 7, 2008

Here’s a good excuse reason to instant message or email your friends! Now, through the i’m Initiative, every time you use Windows Live Messenger or Windows Live Hotmail, Microsoft will share […]

Disaster Action Team Response

May 7, 2008

On Monday, May 5, a family of 6 (2 adults and 4 children) had a major house fire in Troutdale. Red Cross volunteers assisted by providing: — Three nights stay […]

Photo of Myanmar Red Cross Relief Efforts

May 6, 2008

Just noticed a photo on today of Myanmar Red Crossers getting relief supplies ready for distribution. (photo via, via Myanmar News Agency, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images)