¿Quieres ayudar a salvar vidas?

¿Cómo vas a celebrar el Cinco de Mayo? Lise ya te dio algunas ideas. Quiero darte más información sobre #3 de su lista– Campañas de Donación de Sangre. ¿Sabes que […]

Flickr Find: Another (Cute) Blood Hero

It seems we’ve had a couple Flickr Finds this week of cute boys who donate blood. This guy’s name is Kevin Farris, and guess what? He’s from Portland, Oregon! According […]

Deferred!? Rejection!

Last week my mom and I made appointments to donate blood together. Give blood, then “re-hydrate date” at Trebol’s happy hour. Fun! Except for one little thing: I’m deferred from […]

Alex’s Battle

The adorable, brave smile to the left belongs to Alex, a four-year-old from Portland who is currently undergoing cancer treatments. Alex’s mom Sara was kind enough to share her son’s […]

Dough-nate for the Doughnuts!

What would you do for a free doughnut? How about help save some lives? Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, blood donors can satisfy their sugar sensations with fresh Krispy Kreme […]

Needles that help save lives…

A few weeks ago I got my very first tattoo at Infinity here in Portland. Traci (the tattoo artist) and I had about three hours to get to know each […]

Trivia Time! Guess how long. . .

A few months ago, Robin boggled all your brains with a blood trivia blog that asked you to guess the number of red blood cells in the human body. The […]