Tag: Red Cross Blood
¿Quieres ayudar a salvar vidas?
¿Cómo vas a celebrar el Cinco de Mayo? Lise ya te dio algunas ideas. Quiero darte más información sobre #3 de su lista– Campañas de Donación de Sangre. ¿Sabes que […]
Blood Do(g)nors: Even your dog can help save lives!
Look at this dog. Look at him and try to tell me he’s not the cutest boy in the whole world. Look at his loving, eager eyes, his cartoon-dog nose, […]
Red Cross Employee Spotlight: Justin Miller
Meet Justin. He’s a Red Cross blood services HLA technician here in Portland. Not only does Justin get to wear a really cool lab coat while he works, he also […]
Myth-Busting: Blood Donor Eligibility and Blood Pressure
Q: I have low/high blood pressure; am I eligible to donate blood? A: Depending…read on! According to the Red Cross Blood Eligibility Guidelines, people with high blood pressure still might […]
Flickr Find: Another (Cute) Blood Hero
It seems we’ve had a couple Flickr Finds this week of cute boys who donate blood. This guy’s name is Kevin Farris, and guess what? He’s from Portland, Oregon! According […]
Deferred!? Rejection!
Last week my mom and I made appointments to donate blood together. Give blood, then “re-hydrate date” at Trebol’s happy hour. Fun! Except for one little thing: I’m deferred from […]
Alex’s Battle
The adorable, brave smile to the left belongs to Alex, a four-year-old from Portland who is currently undergoing cancer treatments. Alex’s mom Sara was kind enough to share her son’s […]
Dough-nate for the Doughnuts!
What would you do for a free doughnut? How about help save some lives? Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, blood donors can satisfy their sugar sensations with fresh Krispy Kreme […]
Needles that help save lives…
A few weeks ago I got my very first tattoo at Infinity here in Portland. Traci (the tattoo artist) and I had about three hours to get to know each […]
Trivia Time! Guess how long. . .
A few months ago, Robin boggled all your brains with a blood trivia blog that asked you to guess the number of red blood cells in the human body. The […]