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Building a Tsunami-Proof City Hall?
Just look at this adorably beachy, spacious building. It could be a hotel, a wedding venue, a fancy restaurant.But nope! It’s a proposed design for the new Cannon Beach City […]
Worldwide Wednesday Wrap-Up
Welcome to the Worldwide Wednesday Wrap-Up, in which we consolidate the international Red Cross and Red Crescent news into one list of bite-sized links for you. It’s a non-comprehensive sampling […]
Fantasy Football? How About Fantasy Golf!
By Liza Dossick, our incredible intern! With the U.S. Open approaching, I found myself reflecting on my golfing experience. My golfing memories began and ended with trying to become the […]
USS Ranger for potential Portland Earthquake?
When you look around the Portland waterfront, you might notice something missing that most major cities around the United States have. That is, a major surface ship from the US […]
Dads Prove Disasters Don’t Have To Be Bland
Poop bags and a 1985 walkman. These dads give a great lesson on why supplementing an “official” disaster kit with stuff that works for your family is so important. So […]
Do You Know Any Princesses?
…If your answer is no, then you should swing by the Red Cross Portland Donor Center (at 3131 N. Vancouver Ave.) on Wednesday, May 26th. In honor of the Portland […]
Safety tips we have learned from LOST
LOST ended it’s epic run last night, and it has left us with many messages. Some are more obvious than others. Target helped point out one major lesson, and that […]
Spirit of the Red Cross Scholarship Program
As the school year is coming to a close, so is the High School Blood Drive Challenge. However, High School Seniors currently enrolled at a High School Challenge school and […]
Happy Birthday To Us!
Yep, it’s that time again. Another year has passed and the American Red Cross has achieved the grand old age of 129. [If you’re not mathmatically inclined, that means that […]
How you would solve a problem like Eyjafjallajokull?
Apparently unlike Rumpelstiltskin, learning the name of ‘Eyjafjallajokull’ does not mean the problems will go away. Over at the BBC they have been soliciting outlandish solutions to the ash problem […]