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A Special Look Inside a Family Assistance Center

May 16, 2008

This photo might not look like much, but it’s something that you’d never get to see in real life.During the recent disaster drill out at the Portland Airport, the Red […]

Celebrating National AmeriCorps Week

May 16, 2008

I meant to mention this earlier, but times have been busy. This is National AmeriCorps Week. It’s a time to celebrate AmeriCorps members and all of their accomplishments! (Explanation if […]

Rascal Flatts Lead Guitarist Returns Home To Picher

May 16, 2008

Remember the town of Picher, Oklahoma that was devastated by a tornado earlier this week? Well, turns out it’s the hometown of celebrity cabinet member Joe Don Rooney, lead guitarist […]

International Disaster Relief Banner: Grab the Code

May 15, 2008

FYI: I put a little banner on our sidebar that leads to the International Response Fund donation page. If you want to put it on your site too, just email […]

Join China Earthquake Relief Efforts on Facebook

May 14, 2008

Help earthquake victims in China by joining the cause on Facebook. You can choose to donate to the Red Cross relief efforts or just join and forward the cause to your […]

Disaster Action Team Response

May 14, 2008

On Monday, May 12th, one adult male (senior) had a major fire in his mobile home in Forest Grove. The home was declared a total loss. On Tuesday, after being […]

Photos From the NDMS Drill

May 13, 2008

Remember Mike’s post about the National Disaster Medical System Port of Portland drill at PDX airport? Well, a volunteer just sent us some more photos of it. I posted them […]

Our Volunteers Have Spirit

May 13, 2008

Portland Spirit.  Remember how I mentioned that our volunteers were going to go on a Portland Spirit riverboat cruise for National Volunteer Week? Well, here are the photos!

Blood Donations After China Earthquake

May 13, 2008

A volunteer noticed this in a slideshow of photos from the earthquake aftermath in China and forwarded it to us. There are a few different photos of people donating blood […]

Disaster Action Team Responses

May 13, 2008

On May 12, a family of 4 had a fire in their house, when the volunteers arrived, they assisted the family with: –3 nights stay in a nearby motel.–A client […]