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On Blogging
Two exciting pieces of news regarding Red Cross bloggers:1. Our online specialist, Erica Arevalos, has contributed an enlightening article on emergency water supplies to the Portland Water Bureau blog. (Yes, […]
Manikins that Sweat???
Thanks to Good Morning America, I just learned of a lot of exciting new technologies related to safety training. Follow this link and watch the video to learn about them […]
Campaign RED
Yesterday afternoon was the kick-off event for Campaign RED, our annual workplace giving campaign, and I think the sugar buzz has yet to wear off. (I ate one too many […]
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Apparently he wanted a job. Today we spotted a rooster wandering around our parking lot in front of the “now hiring” sign. I feel sorry for HR who will have […]
Topoff the Marnin’ to Ye!
Whew! Topoff is over, which is a good thing for many, many people around here. It was an extremely valuable exercise and every department here at the OTC learned something […]
Who doesn’t like pumpkin pie? Well, me, actually. I like it fine, it’s just not one of my favorites—which is why I brought half of a homemade pie I was […]
CPR Saving Blazers’ Lives!
Okay, so not Blazers players. But it’s a fantastic story nonetheless! Bob Burke is an advance scout and former assistant coach for the Blazers. Recently he was in southern California […]
A Day of Honor
On July 9, I blogged about the usual Friday activities of myself and my co-workers. If you recall (or if you scrolled down to see), we get good eats and […]
ARC Pride, Baby!
Let me begin by offering a sincere apology to the hordes of loyal readers of this blog for missing my new normal two-week blog interval last week. I suppose I […]
Giving Life
I’ve never been a really huge fan of needles. I won’t say I’m afraid of them, as I’ve always been fine getting vaccinations or having blood drawn for physicals. No […]