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Three things to keep in mind before the #OReclipse tomorrow
Portland, August 20, 2017 Finally, the moment is upon us. The Total Solar Eclipse of 2017 will soon stretch its 62-mile path across the earth, a rare celestial event that […]
Red Cross Operating Wildfire Evacuation Shelters In Brookings, Sisters and Warm Srings, OR
August 18, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. The American Red Cross continues to operate wildfire evacuation shelters due to wildfires affecting thousands of acres in Central and Southern Oregon. The Red […]
Hot Weather Safety Tips
Triple digit temperatures are expected across the region this week and in order to stay safe, the American Red Cross urges residents to be aware of the steps they should […]
Hey! Who Turned Out the Lights?
As you may have already heard, a large portion of Oregon will be in the path of a total solar eclipse that will happen on August 21, 2017. Depending on […]
A 60-Year Career of Service that Started with a Flood: Gary Geerhart’s Story
Built in 1942 in just over 100 days, Vanport, Oregon, was meant to be a temporary housing project—a short-term answer to Portland’s wartime housing shortage. At its height, Vanport housed 40,000 […]
PORTLAND, Ore., June 28, 2017 — For many in the Northwest, the 4th of July holiday means enjoying the great outdoors, cook-outs with family and friends and fireworks celebrations. But […]
Making a Difference Starts with Volunteering Your Time
Do you want to help someone on what could be the hardest day of their life? Do you want to share compelling stories about the work the Red Cross does […]
Extreme temperatures are in the forecast for the weekend and the American Red Cross urges residents to be aware of the steps they should take to avoid heat-related illness. Follow […]
Lend a Hand. Take A Class. Save A Life.
Whether you want to help keep your loved ones safe, aid someone at work, or use your training professionally, the American Red Cross can teach you the skills you need […]
Keep Yourself and Your Family Safe with these Summer Safety Tips!
Summer is just around the corner! As Oregon and Southwest Washington are experiencing our first heat wave of the year, and with Memorial Day coming up this weekend, it’s a […]