Portland Pirate Pride!

“Avast ye bilge-sucking seadog! Keelhaul the scallywag over Davy Jones’ locker! …Are you completely confused? If so, you need to brush up on your Pirate English! This weekend is the […]

Our Red (Cross) Carpet Debut!

A while back, I told you about Kathy Ryan, a runner who collapsed during Hood to Coast, Oregon’s most famous relay race. The team that saved Kathy’s life was honored […]

The Sound Of Infant CPR

Why should you make the time to learn CPR? This PSA from the British Red Cross answers the question…and then some. Check it out…and then sign up for a class.

Paging Doctor House…

I’m probably the last person on the planet to start watching the television show “House.” But with frequent blood transfusions, CPR compressions and other Red Cross-focused emergencies, I figure I’m […]

Friday Final Cut

Just a short final cut this week…perhaps no news is good news? 40 U.S. Billionaires Pledge Half Of Wealth To Charity — Would you take the pledge? Hands-only CPR, pushy […]

Compression-Only CPR Gets Thumbs Up

You read the New England Journal of Medicine, right? What? You don’t? It’s okay…neither do I. But lots of media types pay very, very close attention to what they say […]

CPR Romance, Take Three

If you’ve been following Cross Blog for a while, you know all about Singles CPR. And you might even know that it got started with our spotting of CPR-related “Missed […]

Lifesaving At A Wake

My morning started with coffee…and lifesaving. As I walked past the coffee cart, trying to resist a vanilla soy latte (I failed), owner Nancy stopped me with a story. Turns […]

CPR Class Goes LIVE!

We didn’t blog this in advance, but if you follow us on Twitter, you might already be tuned in… In honor of CPR & AED Awareness Week, we’re getting all […]

Bringing New Meaning To “Pool Shark”

To kids around the country Memorial Day Weekend means one thing… THE POOLS ARE OPEN! YAAAY! But these young filmmakers want to bring your attention to a little known pool […]