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Pet First Aid Promo!
So, Anne just posted on pet Pickle’s predicament..but after stumbling on this article, it seemed worth sharing more Pet First Aid news with the Red Cross world! Also, make sure […]
How Many Pints Are in 12 Gallons?
That sounds like an SAT question. I just got kind of nervous. Steve Stover of Salem, Oregon recently donated his 12th gallon–or 96th pint–of blood. He’s been hooked on helping […]
The Key To Volunteering?
Pockets. Lots of pockets. That’s according to Andy, the ex-boyfriend who lives in the pit on NBC’s Parks and Recreation. And, once again, the Red Cross makes an appearance on […]
Flu Prepare-aphernalia: Musical Hand Wash Timer
According to a CDC survey, about 1 in 5 U.S. children had a flu-like illness earlier this month — and most of those cases likely were swine flu. As we […]
Weebles Wobble But They Don’t Fall Down
And neither do these new self-righting buildings designed to withstand earthquakes. Built on a rocking frame that allows the building to safely sway, this design uses a system somewhat similar […]
Sing, Dance, Volunteer
Wednesday is my new favorite night. Why Wednesday, you might ask, when it’s only half-way to the weekend? Because Wednesday, I might say, is the night I come home from […]
Get your pet out of a “pickle”
So… my cat Pickles got the cat flu recently, sending me into a tizzy about how to prepare for and prevent any more Pickles-related emergencies. If she had needed first […]
Blood Recipient Spotlight: Gordon Thornburg
One of the best parts about working for the Red Cross is getting to meet all of the amazing volunteers who dedicate their time, passion, and energy to our life-saving […]
Worldwide Wednesday Wrap-Up
Welcome to the Worldwide Wednesday Wrap-Up, in which we consolidate the international Red Cross and Red Crescent news into one list of bite-sized links for you. It’s a non-comprehensive sampling […]
Students: Enter The Safety Video Contest!
From Oregon OSHA: Cue the director; it’s time for high school students across Oregon to create a 45-second public service announcement promoting young worker safety and health. The top three […]