Biffle Kidnapping: No Laughing Matter

Lesson learned: the kidnappers have no sense of humor. I sent them a note yesterday, implying that their ransom requests sounded like little more than a picnic in the cafeteria […]

Biffle’s Kidnappers Spell Out Their Demands

The kidnappers have spoken. Below you’ll find exactly what the evil-doers who snatched Greg Biffle [‘s lifesize cardboard cutout] want from all of us. I assure you, these are their […]

Spotted: Proof Of Greg Biffle’s Capture

So it has been determined. On Monday morning, the marketing and development staff have scheduled an urgent meeting. We’ll be discussing how to raise money for the “Save Greg Biffle […]

Who Took Greg Biffle???

First of all, I have a confession to make. I have lied to you, dear readers, and I feel just terrible about it. But what’s even more terrible is that […]

More NASCAR Goodness

You’ve seen my previous posts about NASCAR and I assure you that I haven’t been won over by the sport just yet…but I will say that these racers seem to […]

Help! The Red Cross is Making Me Watch NASCAR!

I feel about NASCAR pretty much the same way that Robin feels about country music. Actually, I feel that way about country music too, but that’s another story…we’re talking NASCAR. […]