Tag: volunteers
The Large Red (Cross) Double Decker Bus
This blog occasionally talks about how the Red Cross as a lifestyle isn’t only about the life saving, yet also about style. When people think of the United Kingdom, one […]
Tennessee Flood Photos, As Accompanied By Johnny Cash
Here in Oregon, we’re sending volunteers to help — three Oregonians will have joined the relief efforts by this time tomorrow. Please wish all of them (and those that they’ll […]
Volunteering with Blood Services
It is National Volunteer Week and it is worth note that many American Red Cross volunteers work with the Blood Services side of operations. Hundreds of volunteers are needed each […]
Why I Help: Rajina Pradhan Logs Checks, Learns Customs
[In honor of National Volunteer Week, we’re featuring a volunteer every day here on the blog!] Rajina Pradhan came all the way from Nepal just to volunteer for the Oregon […]
Why I Help: Michael Rudis Knows Failure Is Not An Option
[In honor of National Volunteer Week, we’re featuring a volunteer every day here on the blog!] There’s only one job I can think of that might be cooler than volunteering […]
Together We Prepare Lents
Several years back the Red Cross decided to expand our reach in the realm of neighborhood disasters. Instead of only responding to disasters we would implement a program to help […]
Why I Help: Alex Peterson Makes Us Cool
[In honor of National Volunteer Week, we’re featuring a volunteer every day here on the blog!] When I first met Alex Peterson, he said that he volunteers at the Red […]
Why I Help: Amy Sandoz Sees The Future
[In honor of National Volunteer Week we’re featuring a volunteer every day here on the blog!] No, she’s not a psychic. But volunteer Amy Sandoz sees the very real possibility […]
Why I Help: Phil Gonzales
Phil Gonzales is tough. After 50 years working for car dealerships in southern Oregon, the first thing he did in his “retirement” was try out for Survivor. Though he didn’t […]
Foursquare: Rewarding Volunteerism?
Despite the existence of Please Rob Me, I’ve been experimenting with Foursquare. I mainly started to see if there was some way we could be using the geo-locating service for […]